Journey Reports
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Journey reporting is a crucial element in a marketing automation platform that supports a marketeer in multiple aspects from knowing the users' behavior to analyzing the performance of their campaigns, etc. The journey report gives a detailed analysis of user behaviour in the campaign and also supports analyzing the feasibility of the Joureny created by you to engage your users and drive them to attain your determined goal like submitting a form or purchasing a product.
This gives detailed analytics about users entering the journey and their exit points in the journey and also allows to know at which point, the majority of users exited the journey and which part directs the majority of the users to the next step. This supports a marketeer to analyze user behaviour and measure the performance of their campaign and engagements and supports the marketeer to streamline their engagement with the right content for the right audience at the right time.
To Get the report,
Click View under Reports from the AllJourney list.
The above report shows detailed insights into users' behaviour in a journey from the date 2024/06/11 to 2024/07/09. you can fetch the data between any date by configuring the date field at the left end of the screen.
Users Entered: Shows the number of users who entered the Journey
Users Exited: Shows the number of users who exited the Journey
Users Completed: Shows the number of users who completed the Journey successfully.
Completion Rate: Completion rate is calculated based on the number of users who entered the journey and the number of users who completed the Journey.
(Completed users / Entered users) X 100.
Average Time to Complete: This can be calculated based on the total time taken by the user to complete the journey and the total number of users who completed the Journey.
(Cumulative time taken by all the users to complete the journey / Total number of users who completed the Journey)
Open Rate: Shows the open rate of all the email communications sent from that journey
Total Impressions: Shows the frequency of the appearance of users in the campaign
Total Opens: Shows the number of conversions that took place on that particular campaign
Total Clicks: Shows the frequency of clicks done for in the engagement.
Total Conversions: This shows the number of conversions that took place on that particular campaign.
Click-through Rate: Shows the number of clicks done among its appearances.
( No. of clicks that your engagement receives/ No. of engagements in a journey)