Example: Netcore RCS API

Lets explore how to add Netcore's Template RCS API to


Setting up the API

Step 1: Go to > Campaigns > Channels > RCS

Step 2: Click on "Add New RCS API"

Step 3: Basic details

  1. Name of configuration: The name you entered in the previous step will be displayed here

  2. Description: Add a description for your new RCS client.

Step 4: API Details

You can set up the Netcore API in the same way as you set up an External API with a global payload.

  1. HTTP Method: Select the HTTP method as POST

  2. API URL: Provide the Netcore RCS API URL.

  3. Also, You can simply import the cURL of the API and skip to the next step! Let's understand how "Detect from cURL" works.

  4. Clicking the +detect from URL button will pop up the following window.

  1. Once you enter the curl, it will automatically fetch the Headers and Payload from the API and populate in the relevant fields and the tree view will occur based on the values in the payload.

  2. After the API is broken down into it's respective components, input your account's API Key, in the header param "api_key"

Step 5: Assigning mandatory fields

  • Assign message.0.to with To* as the recipient mobile number will go here.

  • Assign messages.0.content.templateCode with Template ID* as the RCS template ID will go here.

Step 6: configuring personalisation parameters object

  1. In Netcore RCS API, message.0.content.attributes is the path that consumes the template's personalisation parameters in the form of key:value pairs.

  2. Select the edit icon in the above node.

  3. Give an appropriate display name.

  4. Define it as optional and select the drop index as "Pass empty".

Test API

  • Navigate to > Test API

  • Assign values to the payload and click "test"

  • You will receive the confirmation as shown below once your API is validated

This is the same functionality we implemented in External API. Click here to know in detail.

Response and Webhooks

The response and Webhooks screen is where you will map the relevant path of the response body to the internal MessageID identifier which supports Lemnisk to identify every message trigger and map its delivery report.

  • Navigate to > Response and Webhooks

  • Enter values to the payload and Click "Test Configuration"

  • You will receive the response from the vendor when triggered successfully.

  • Select message.messageID - this is path of the messageID in the API response.

Congratulations! Netcore Template RCS API is successfully configured for you. You can now proceed to create engagements on this client.

Last updated