Segment and Engagement
This document provides information on how to retrieve user details from Customer One View based on segments and engagements.
Last updated
This document provides information on how to retrieve user details from Customer One View based on segments and engagements.
Last updated
Step 1: Go to > Customer One view
Step 2: Enter the user Name/ID in the search bar
Step 3: Navigate to > Segments and Engagements
The tiles under Segments and Engagements show the overall information about the particular user, like the number of Segments and Engagements in which the user has involved user is involved along and the number of Leads and Conversions for any particular user. By clicking on View Product beside the number of leads and conversions, you can get details like product name and Conversion/lead counts for the corresponding products.
Shows the total number of conversions for the products. By clicking View Product, you can check the products for which the conversions took place.
Shows the total number of Leads for the products. By clicking on View Product, you can check the products for which the Leads occurred.
Past Engagements shows the engagements in which the user participated in the past but is not currently active. By entering the engagement name in the search bar along with the date range in calendar, one can find the details of that particular engagement, like Engagement ID, Engagement Name, Segment ID, Channel, Type, Attempted and Actions Received.