Configure Unifonic as an SSP (SMS service provider)
Last updated
Configure Unifonic as an SSP (SMS service provider)
Last updated
Unifonic is a business communication platform that supports engaging customers with personalized communications via different channels. Unifonic is known for decluttering operational bottlenecks and implementing self-service workflows for personalized marketing operations. Lemnisk adds Unifonic to its list of SMS service providers to offer more flexibility and convenience in making personalized SMS communications.
To configure, Click the + icon and select Unifonic in the Client dropdown You will find a window to configure your Gupshup Messenger, Give inputs to the below-mentioned fields to configure your Gupshup Messenger for your SMS communication
Client: Select Unifonic from the list of SSPs in the dropdown
Name: Enter connection name. This connection name is internal to Lemnisk which will not be sent to SMS API.
API URL: Enter the API URL in this field.
AppSID: Enter the Authentication string that uniquely identifies your application
Sender ID: Enter the Sender ID which is provided by the Unifonic team.
Webhook URL: Enter the webhook URL provided by the Unifonic team.
You've now successfully integrated Unifonic and are ready to start sending SMS campaigns
Lemnisk will capture the following delivery metrics when you run SMS campaigns with Unifonic:
Attempted, Sent, Delivered, Clicked and Failed. To Know more about the metrics check Campaign Summary.