Microsoft Dynamics 365
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Lemnisk is a registered app on the MSD365 App Marketplace. By using the app, you will be able to send data to Lemnisk if any of the entity values are created or updated. For example, if a contact or lead gets created/updated/deleted at MSD365, it will trigger an API call in Lemnisk in real-time or batch (as per your configuration) and the corresponding value will be updated at Lemnisk.
The MSD architecture for the Lemnisk App allows a particular entity to be synced in either real-time or batch. The real-time process will be triggered for a particular create/update/delete request for a record. The real-time workflow will trigger an API call to Lemnisk for a single record in real time. It will also create a log and if the API fails, it will show in failure logs. The batch process will be similar except it will sync the updates for an entity at a particular frequency decided by the user (min 1 hour) in batch. If the updates fail, it will be logged in failure logs. All the failure logs from real-time and batch processes can be reprocessed with a manual click. A maximum of 4000 records per entity can be reprocessed at once.
Lemnisk is a registered app on the MSD365 App Marketplace. By using the app, you will be able to send data to Lemnisk if any of the entity values are created or updated. For example, if a contact or lead gets created/updated/deleted at MSD365, it will trigger an API call in Lemnisk in real-time or batch (as per your configuration) and the corresponding value will be updated at Lemnisk.
Path: Config Tables > Lemnisk API Configuration
Select ‘+New’ call to action in the active Lemnisk API configuration view.
Provide value for the below-mentioned business required fields in the New Lemnisk API Configuration main form.
Delete API URL
Lemnisk user
Minimum fetch limit
Maximum fetch limit
Click ‘ACTIVATE’ to create the new Lemnisk API configuration.
The following field value can be read and updated only by the User who holds Lemnisk Configurator security role
Minimum fetch limit
Maximum fetch limit
Path: Solution > Default Solution
Path: Objects > Tables
Select the entity for which queue must be enabled; select table “properties” call to action.
Path: Properties > advanced options
Enable the check boxes ‘can be added to a queue and when rows are created or assigned, move them to the owner’s default queue’ and click ‘SAVE’. This action must be performed for Lemnisk core entities.
Enable the checkbox Creating a new activity and click ‘SAVE’. This action must be performed for all standard entities.
AutoRouteToOwnerQueue can be set only if ownership type is UserOwned or TeamOwned, or if entity is queueable.
AutoRouteToOwnerQueue will be applicable for tables where record ownership = user or team.
The `AutoRouteToOwnerQueue` feature is designed to automatically route records to the appropriate queue based on ownership.
It is applicable to tables where the record ownership is set to a user or a team.
This ensures that records are managed by the correct entity, improving efficiency and accountability in record handling
New update:
We have improved the field selection process by introducing two distinct categories:
Trigger Fields: These fields initiate API synchronization whenever a record is upserted. Trigger Fields are used solely to trigger the synchronization process and are never included in the synced data.
Sync Fields: These fields specify the data values sent to Lemnisk during the sync process.
Activity entity support has been added, enabling more effective management and synchronization of activity-related data.
Path: Lemnisk entities > New
Select the entity from “Add Entity” List page and Click Ok.
Select the columns from “Add fields” list page and click Ok
- Custom entities registration requires specific security roles.
- The Lemnisk Configurator role is typically assigned to users who need to register custom entities.
- Permissions for custom entities are managed within the system's security role settings.
- It's important to ensure that only authorized users with the Lemnisk Configurator security role can register custom entities to maintain system integrity.
Schedule type: Real Time
Path: Config tables > Schedule configurations
Select ‘+New’ call to action in the Active schedule configuration’s view.
To provide value for the lookup field Lemnisk Entity, you can either:
Type the entity name in the text box and select the matching result from the list.
Click on the advanced lookup icon and choose the entity from the pop-up window.
Select the schedule type as real-time from the option set value and ‘SAVE’ the record.
Schedule type: Batch
Go to the option set value field schedule type.
Choose Batch as the schedule type.
Choose Schedule Mode as Hours or Days
Provide value for the Schedule frequency and ‘SAVE’ the record.
New update:
The new Batch Reprocess functionality allows reprocessing of up to 4,000 logs for a single entity in one batch. This enhancement simplifies large-scale data handling and improves reprocessing performance.
Path: Config Tables > Lemnisk Logs
Choose the records that failed and need to be reprocessed from the failure log’s view.
Click on the Reprocess button.
Click OK in the Confirmation dialog box.
The system can only handle reprocessing up to 10 records at a time
Divide records into batches of 10 or fewer for reprocessing.
Ensure each batch is processed completely before initiating the next one.
Monitor the system's response to avoid overloading and maintain efficiency.
Verify the quality of reprocessed records to confirm successful handling.
1. Path: Power Apps > Admin center page will be displayed
Path: Environments > Marketing or Sales
Click ‘Settings’ call to action in the listed environment.
Path: Data Management > Bulk Deletion
Click ‘New’ call to action in All Bulk Deletion System Jobs view, bulk deletion wizard will be displayed.
Click ‘Next’
To delete lemnisk logs that are more than two months old, you need to specify the search criteria for the records. You can do this by setting the field values as follows:
Look for: Lemnisk Logs
Use saved View: All Lemnisk Logs
Filter condition
Activity status contains data.
Date Created older than 2 months.
To see the records that match your criteria, you can use the preview records option. This will show you a sample of the filtered data without applying the changes to the entire dataset.
Click ‘Next’ to specify the name of the bulk deletion system job, and scheduling and notification options.
Select the checkbox: Run this job after every 60 days.
Select the checkbox: Send an email to me when this job is finished. You may also inform other relevant users by choosing them from the user lookup view.
Click ‘Next’ to Review and Submit Recurrence bulk deletion details.
11. Click on the ‘Submit’ button to start the recurring bulk deletion system job.
System View: Recurring Bulk Deletion System Jobs
Select the respective bulk delete job from the picklist and click ‘More Action.’
Choose ‘Modify Recurrence’ action from the dropdown.
You can modify the schedule for selected bulk deletion jobs by choosing the option Schedule recurrence.
The System Administrator and System Customizer roles in Dynamics 365 offer the highest level of privileges.
Users with these roles have the authority to configure the Lemnisk Application directly.
To assign the Lemnisk Configurator security role, a user must already possess this role or be a System Administrator.
It is important to follow the correct procedures when assigning security roles to ensure proper access and system functionality.
The link below illustrates security role assignment guide.
Users enrolled in the Lemnisk configurator column security profile have specific privileges.
They can perform Read, Update, and Create operations on the following columns:
Min. Fetch Limit
Max. Fetch Limit
These privileges allow for comprehensive management of API access and data retrieval parameters.
The link below illustrates column security profile guide
Ans: The time required to reprocess failure logs depends on the types of entities involved.
If there are 10,000 logs of the same entity type, such as "Lead," the process will take approximately 5 to 10 minutes and require three clicks to complete the asynchronous reprocessing. Due to the 2-minute plugin execution time limit in Dynamics, a maximum of 4,000 records of the same entity can be processed per batch.
However, if the 10,000 logs are distributed among different entity types (e.g., 2,000 Leads, 3,000 Accounts, 3,000 Contacts, and 2,000 Emails), the reprocessing will still take about 5 to 10 minutes, but only a single button click will be needed to initiate the asynchronous reprocessing of all 10,000 logs.
Note: 7.1 is yet to be developed and is not available in the current build.
Ans: Organizational records in Dynamics do not have any user association, and therefore, they will not be included in any default queue. As a result, it becomes infeasible to track the Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations of these records in Dynamics, thereby preventing synchronization with Lemnisk.
Ans: 1 Hour
Ans: No, manual reprocessing of previously failed logs is not required in this scenario. Only one log record is maintained for any entity at any given time, regardless of the number of sync attempts. The log is continuously updated with the latest status. In the scenario where a record is successfully synced on the third attempt, it will automatically be removed from the failure logs.
Ans: It will be available in the sync log (Under the Log History tab) against that record in the Lemnisk app.
Ans: Max Fetch Limit and Min Fetch Limit control the number of records processed in a batch. The Max Fetch Limit specifies the total maximum number of records that can be processed in a single batch, while the Min Fetch Limit determines how these records will be split for processing.
For example:
If the Max Fetch Limit is set to 4000 and the Min Fetch Limit is set to 400, then 4000 records will be processed in 10 smaller batches of 400, resulting in 10 API calls to Lemnisk.
If the Max Fetch Limit is 4000 and the Min Fetch Limit is 500, then 4000 records will be processed in 8 smaller batches of 500, resulting in 8 API calls to Lemnisk.
The Max Fetch Limit cannot exceed 4000.
It is recommended to set the Min Fetch Limit between 400 and 500. However, a lower value may be used if individual records contain many attributes. The Min Fetch Limit can be set as low as 1.
Ans: This product under no circumstances consumes Microsoft default APIs. All API(s) consumed in this product are that of Lemnisk’s directly for pushing data form Dynamics to CDP tool.
Microsoft API will only be consumed for pushing data form Lemnisk CDP to Dynamics.
Batch operation activity status & status reason have been built for internal purposes and this is not applicable to the end user. Batch operation is an asynchronous process that will be working irrespective of the response received from Lemnisk API (504 ) (i.e., the next activity will be created with the status as “open”)
Below is the security role table access matrix for “Lemnisk Configurator”. Organization privilege is the highest access for the organization, and it has been provided to all custom entities (Lemnisk) as stated below. No additional privileges are required.
Table Name
Append to
Lemnisk API configuration
Lemnisk Entity
Log history
Schedule Configuration
None selected
Business unit
Parent: child business unit
Click on to add new table
Click on to select the columns of the respective entity which must be sent from D365 to CDP.
To clear the selected columns, click call to action in the main form.