Create On-site Notifications.
About On-Site Notification Settings in the UI
Lemnisk facilitates an array of templates and exceptional features to ease creating On-site notifications and make it more engaging to the user by communicating relevant information based on their interests and behaviour. This also facilitates a marketeer to gain insight about users and drive them with personalized communications to attain their determined goal.
UI Description
Configure On-site Notification with Lemnisk
Go to -> Campaigns
Select Segments, Add a new segment, or choose an existing segment
Click the"+ Add Engagement" Button
Select On-site Notification from the list of connected channels
Step 1: Add General details of engagement
Engagement Name: Name your engagement, Our engagement name here is "Newsletter Signup Discount Offer."
Conversion Goal: Choose a conversion goal Here, we choose "Signup for Newsletter" as our conversion goal.
Enter Event:
Track: Enter Event if you have chosen TRACK in the previous step
Page: Enter the page URL if you have chosen PAGE in the previous step.
Select Notification Style: You can select the notification styles from the list of available options like text on image, text on image with CTA, etc. and configure the rules as required.
You can +ADD RULE, + ADD GROUP according to your choice.
Enter URL: Enter the URL in which the notification has to appear.
Step 2: Configure your Template settings
Select Placement: Choose where you want your notification to appear, and you can see the preview on the right side of the screen. In this step, you would choose to place your notification in a prominent location on your website, such as the centre of the homepage, or to appear from any corner. You can preview how the notification will look on the right side of the screen before making a final decision.
Initial State: Decide whether you want the template to start off big or small. You would like the pop-up notification to be big enough to catch the user's attention, here we choose to start the template off as "Expanded."
Background Overlay: Choose whether you want to have a coloured or transparent background behind the template. To make the notification stand out, we choose a coloured background behind the template that complements the colours of your website.
Close and Minimize: Choose the options for closing and minimizing the template. You might choose to allow users to close the notification by clicking on an "X" button or by minimizing it to a smaller size. You can choose the specific options that work best for your website and your users. If you choose to minimize, you must upload the image to appear while minimizing.
When does it display: Decide when you want the template to appear on your screen. You can show enable the notification to appear instantly when users visit your website, you can also choose to delay the appearance of the notification by a few seconds to give users a chance to explore your website. You can choose the timing that works best to engage the customers at the right moment. Additionally, you can also configure the notifications to appear when the user scrolls down to a certain point by setting the scroll level in percentage with the given option.
Title Font Size: Set the font size for your title
Message Font Size: Set the font size for your message
Step 3: Configure Text Settings
Text settings are an essential aspect of on-site notifications, as they can greatly influence the effectiveness of the message being conveyed.
Static or Dynamic: Choose the weather to keep it static or dynamic.
Details: Configure your static or dynamic detail like adding text in buttons, images etc
Action: Choose the action that your notification has to perform on click.
No Action: Clicking will render no further action.
Close Notification: Clicking will close the notification.
Redirect: Clicking will redirect to a Target Page. A URL has to be additionally provided.
Redirect and close: Clicking will redirect to a provided Target Page and close the OSN.
Step 4: Configure Image settings
Here, you can upload and configure the images that fit your communication. The supported file formats are JPEG, JPG, GIF, and WEBP.
Step 5: Configure Colour Settings
You can configure the colours for content, CTA, Content background, CTA background, and Border using these colour settings.
Step 6: Configure Container Settings
Configure the container of your notification by adding a Border colour, Border width and Border radius.
Step 7: Configure Close Icon settings
Configure the close icon by adding Colour, Background colour and Border colour.
Step 8: Configure Close Icon Hover settings
Configure the close Icon hover settings by setting Font colour and Background colour.
👍🏻 Congratulations
You have successfully set up an On-Site Notification with Lemnisk.
Last updated