1. Does creating a Journey have any specific methods?

There are no specific methods to create a journey. Your campaign journey can be set based on your Application/Website's architecture and create events through which the user must pass to achieve your desired goal. For example, pop up a seasonal sale banner after the user attains certain events on your website to make users click through and purchase products.

2 . Can I use the same Journey for multiple segments?

Of course, Lemnisk allows you to duplicate the journey you created and apply the same for multiple segments.

3. What if the user doesn't fall under the condition I created in the Journey?

The user who does not satisfy the condition will not be carried forward in the Journey.

4. What if the users satisfy the first two conditions and fail to satisfy the third condition?

At this point, The user will not receive any further engagement to continue the journey. The user will traverse the alternate paths if any are configured. Else, the user remains in the same spot.

5. What if the user exits from the journey and enters again, can he continue the journey from where he left off?

Yes, The user can re-enter the journey from where he left off from within a certain period and become part of the journey.

Last updated