Configure SparkPost as an ESP
Last updated
Configure SparkPost as an ESP
Last updated
SparkPost is an email service provider (ESP) that provides businesses with a platform for sending and managing email communications. It offers features such as high email deliverability rates, detailed analytics and reporting, and robust API capabilities for integration with other systems.
Client: Choose SparkPost from the list of ESPs.
Name: Enter the connection name.
API Key: Navigate to your SparkPost dashboard to find and copy your API Key, and paste it into the configuration modal.
Click Save Details.
Test the integration end-to-end using the Try It Out functionality.
👍🏻 Congratulations!
You've now successfully integrated SparkPost and are ready to start sending email campaigns.
Lemnisk will capture the following delivery metrics when you run Email campaigns with SparkPost: Attempted, Sent, Delivered, Clicked, Opened, Unsubscribed, Spam Report, and Failed. To Know more about the metrics check Campaign Summary.