Create a Personalized Banner
Steps to create a Personalized banner using Lemnisk Marketing Automation Platform.
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Steps to create a Personalized banner using Lemnisk Marketing Automation Platform.
Last updated
Step 1: Create a Personalized Banner Engagement
Go to Campaigns > Segments
Select the Segment Name
Click on Banner Personalization on the left panel
Click on Add Engagement
Step 2: Enter the Engagement Name (mandatory) Enter a unique name for the engagement. It must be between 6-25 characters in length.
Step 3: Select a Slot Choose the corresponding banner slot from the dropdown list. To know more about slots, click here.
Let's say, you have selected a slot in Insurance Demo Home, You'll need to add a page URL to help us know where you want to render the banner and to specify the place where you want the notifications to appear.
Exact Match: Let's say, you have selected the slot and the banner is to be rendered on Page A and Page B. For now, if you want to render the banner of Page B only, you need to select the Exact Match condition.
Match without Protocol: Choose if none of the protocols is to be followed.
Contains: Choose if you want the particular web pages containing a specified part of the URL.
You can add one or a maximum of three combinations of rules and a sub-group of rules altogether.
Click Continue to create the banner.
Once you click on Continue, you can neither change the name of the engagement nor the selected slot.
Step 4: Main Image Choose an image based on the creative specification that Lemnisk provides from the Image Media Repository. The supported file formats are PNG, JPG, WEBP and GIF. The slot dimension of the image has to be (1280*800).
Step 5: Title
Title: Add a title to the banner. You will use it as the heading for your banner. You can personalize the banner as well.
Message: Enter a brief message explaining the purpose of the banner.
Terms and Conditions: Enter the terms and conditions. It will appear on the left-down corner of the banner.
Step 6: CTA (Call to Action)
Element: The elements of CTA that would redirect the user to the landing page.
CTA Text: The text to appear on CTA.
Landing Page: The page you want the user to redirect to, when the CTA element is clicked.
CTA Type: The CTA can either be a link or a button. Choose the preferred CTA type.
Background Color: Select a background color for the CTA button.
Border Color: Select the border color of the CTA button.
Click Add or Remove element to perform the corresponding operation.
Step 7: Label (mandatory) Choose a product label from the list. Click here to learn more about Product Label.
Step 8: Submit Click "Submit" to save the personalized banner.
Step 9: Product Add Product: To create multiple carousels, you can add a product. Each carousel represents a product within an engagement. In order to add more carousels, click on the Add Product button. Follow the same steps as in Engagement.Step 5 and create a new product for your banner.
Step 10: Submit Click "Submit" to submit the products of the banner.
You can create a static or dynamic personalized banner. To make your banner dynamic, you need to specify the fallbacks.