Create Engagement

Explaining the steps to create an engagement win External API.

Steps to Create an Engagement for External API

Step 1: Create an Engagement

  • Go to Campaigns > Segments

  • Select the Segment Name

  • Click on External API on the left panel

  • Click on the +Add Engagement Button

Step 2: Add General details

  • Engagement Name (mandatory): Enter a name for the Engagement. It should range between 6-25 characters.

  • API(mandatory): Choose your API

  • Label (mandatory): Choose a product label from the list. Click here to learn more about Product Label.

Step 3: Add a Goal Goal Type: Choose a goal type from the list. You can set it to none if the goal is not decided yet. To know more about Conversion Goals, follow this guide.

Step 4: Configure Parameters

URL path parameters: This will be updated automatically based on the URL you configured while adding the external API.

Payload: Paste the payload here. The payload you enter here must be in JSON file format which will be displayed in the following tree view. You can edit the payload and add values by assigning variables using the tree view or the payload editor.

Also, you can map the payload value using the macro from the field given below.


To get the payload value as raw email data, enter @EMAIL@ in the input

To get the payload value as raw mobile data, enter @MOBILE@ in the input

You can set the payload value as a variable by declaring value between {{ value }}

Step 5: Schedule Settings You can schedule an engagement to trigger immediately or to send later by configuring the Time and Date. To learn more about Engagement Scheduling, click here.

Step 6: Click "Save"

Your engagement is created successfully

Last updated