
This document explains the steps to configure Vonage with Lemnisk as a WhatsApp service provider.

Vonage is one of the most recognised CPaaS providers in the business world for its uncompromising ability to support businesses in communicating with customers in different channels at ease. Enabling Vonage's WhatsApp services for your business communication will support you in engaging customers better and Lemnisk makes the process easier by helping you integrate Vonage's services for your WhatsApp communication without any hassle.

Vonage is Known for its,

  • Communication API's

  • Unified communication channels

  • Contact Centres

  • Conversational commerce.

Configure Vonage as WSP

To configure, Click the "+" icon in the control panel. Proceed to select Vonage in the client list. You will find a window to configure your Vonage, Give inputs to the below-mentioned fields to configure Vonage as WSP for your WhatsApp communications.

  • Client: Select the Whatsapp client as Vonage.

  • Name: Name your configuration.

  • WABA ID: Enter your Whatsapp Business ID. To find the Whatsapp business ID (WABA ID) in your WhatsApp business account, Go to Business Manager > Business Settings > Accounts > WhatsApp Business Accounts.

  • Whatsapp Number: Enter your WhatsApp Business number. To find your WhatsApp Business number, open your WhatsApp Business app, Go to > Settings > Business settings > and locate the displayed business number. If needed, refer to your Meta POC.

  • Vonage Application ID: Retrieve your Vonage Application ID from your Vonage API account dashboard. Log in, Navigate to the application section, or refer to the API documentation for details on where to find your unique Application ID.

  • Vonage Private Key: Locate your Vonage Private Key in the API Key and Secret settings on your Vonage API account dashboard. Access the dashboard, navigate to API Key management, and find the Private Key association with your Application.

  • Click Submit once you input the above details and Vonage setup will be saved.

You have successfully integrated Vonage with Lemnisk and are ready to send Whatsapp campaigns.

Last updated