
Presenting the Identify feature to know customers better by recording their traits.


The identify call helps you to attach a client to their activities and record traits about them. These traits could be a user ID, email, name, and so on.

Below is a complete sample of the identify API event:

lmSMTObj.identify(”6791c47a-0178-47bc-8711-86a2c67b2255”, {
	"firstName": "John",
	"lastName": "Doe",
	"gender": "Male",
	"age": "27",
	"city": "Mumbai"
}, {
	"email": "",
	"phone": "9848012345"
}, function() {})

Sample identify event payload:

  "id": "viz_6139c51ee9662",
  "userId": "6791c47a-0178-47bc-8711-86a2c67b2255",
  "otherIds": {
    "email": "",
    "phone": "9848012345",
    "_fbp": 1631176031249,
    "_fbc": "6791c47a-0178-47bc-8711-86a2c67b2255",
    "_ga": "1631176031249"
  "context": {
    "library": {
      "name": "javascript",
      "version": "0.01"
    "userAgent": {
      "deviceType": "DESKTOP",
      "osType": "Linux",
      "osVersion": "Linux",
      "browser": "Chrome",
      "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.86 Safari/537.36"
    "ip": ""
"page": {
      "path": "/academy/",
      "referrer": "",
      "search": "",
      "title": "Analytics Academy",
      "url": ""
  "messageId": "ajs-f8ca1e4de5024d9430b3928bd8ac6b96",
  "customerProperties": {
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "gender": "Male",
    "age": "27",
    "city": "Mumbai"
  "receivedAt": "2015-12-12T19:11:01.266Z",
  "sentAt": "2015-12-12T19:11:01.169Z",
  "timestamp": "2015-12-12T19:11:01.249Z",
  "type": "identify",
  "originalTimestamp": "2015-12-12T19:11:01.152Z",
  "writeKey": "aUL2rZghe5jHvjWh"

Last updated