Use case 2: Exotel's Make a call API
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Exotel is a voice communication platform that facilitates making automated calls for businesses and marketing to engage customers.
You can use Exotel's API to pass lead information from Lemnisk CDP to the Exotel call database. This use case demonstrates the configuration of Exotel's voice call API and feeds data from Lemnisk for businesses to engage customers through voice calls.
In the following use case, we will configure Exotel's API at the global level, as the payload value will remain the same for all engagements.
API Docs / API reference docs:
Valid authorisation scheme and keys based on the account: Depending on your free/paid account with your external system, OR your internal tech implementation of the API, you should have the relevant authorisation mechanism and its keys/passwords/tokens handy. Your POC from the external vendor or your tech team shall help you with the same
You can get this API URL and payload for your API from the Exotel team once you create your account in Exotel.
Go to > Campaigns > Channels > External API
Step 1: Click the +Add New External API Button
Step 2: Add Basic Details
Name: Naming the configuration as Exotel's Make a Call API
Description: Enter the description of your API.
Channel: Choose the channel you want the API to communicate with your audience. Here we chose Email as our preferred channel.
Step 3: Add External API Details
HTTP Method: Here we select POST as the HTTP Method as the API is a post request to add contact details in the Hubspot database.
URL: Paste the following API URL{{account_sid}}/Calls/connect (API URL from the API reference doc)
You can add parameters by creating variables at the end of the URL and declaring value inside {{value}} double curly braces. Here we added the parameter {{ account_sid}}in the URL and configured its default values which can be changed later while creating an engagement.
Headers: Add Headers to provide the metadata about the request. Here we add the authorization and API key in the headers to authenticate the API. The API key will be provided by the Exotel team.
Query parameters:
key-valueQuery parameters are the key-value pairs provided at the end of the URL which gives additional information to the web server while making the request.
Payload: Paste the payload in the black code edit screen as shown below. Here we set the payload at the global level as the API contains the value which remains the same for all the engagements.
( Payload from the API reference doc)
( Payload from the API Reference doc )
You can configure the values in the payload load by clicking on the payload value and by assigning values and adding display names in the given fields as shown below. The display name will be shown on the UI as the variable alias when you're creating engagements for the configured API.
Default Value: The default value you provide here will be assigned to the parameter if the value is not provided by the user, or in the case of Macro when the system fails to replace it with a value.
Optional Field: You can set the field to be optional or to be mandatory by using the optional field and by assigning a condition to the optional field. Here we set the field as mandatory. To know more about optional and its conditions click here.
Step 5: Once all the fields are configured, click Save Details.
Step 1: Create an Engagement
Go to Campaigns > Segments
Select the Segment Name
Click on External API on the left panel
Click on the +Add Engagement Button
Step 2: Add General details
Engagement Name (mandatory): Enter a name for the Engagement. It should range between 6-25 characters.
API(mandatory): Choose your API as Exotel_OutgoingCall
Label (mandatory): Choose a product label from the list. Click here to learn more about Product Label.
Step 3: Add a Goal Goal Type: Choose a goal type from the list. You can set it to none if the goal is not decided yet.
Step 4: Configure Parameters
URL path parameters: This will be updated automatically based on the payload you configured while adding the external API. The parameters will be displayed here as you configured in the payload at a global level in which the value can be changed while creating an engagement.
Step 5: Schedule Settings You can schedule an engagement to trigger immediately or to send later by configuring the Time and Date. Here we have selected the schedule as immediate.
Step 6: Click "Save"